Calling all pre-schoolers!

Scramblers is a brilliant way to introduce your children to Binscombe Church.
We have changed venue and days!! We now meet Monday afternoons during term time at Loseley Fields Children's Centre.
From 3:30-4:15 we enjoy singing, games, crafts, activities and a Bible story. Scramblers club aims to give young children a place to make friends, enjoy church and hear about the Lord Jesus, all before they start proper school!
Parents are asked to stay, and younger/older siblings are welcome.
• Please see our Calendar for this term's dates...
There is a 50p charge per session, or a whole term can be paid for up-front for £5. We take cash, or a card machine is available on the door for termly payments.
Scramblers on Sundays
Scramblers also meet on Sunday mornings as part of the Scramblers/Explorers group at Broadwater School - read more about Junior Church at Binscombe here.
If you have any questions about the programmes or want to know more about bringing your kids along on a Sunday then please fill in our Contact Us form.