
We believe that the message of the Bible
is God’s message for the world.
This message is the good news that Jesus Christ the Son of God came to our planet to solve humanity’s biggest problem – our rejection of God or, as the Bible calls it, our sin.
The most famous verse in the Bible sums it up like this:
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life: John 3:16. To find out more about the Christian message go to the
Christianity? section of our website.
At Binscombe Church we run various events and programmes for people inquiring about Christianity, and asking questions about God and life. For more information
contact us. Alternatively, coming along to our Sunday 11:00am meeting is a great way to meet people and to find out more about what we believe.
Binscombe Church is affiliated to a network of around 600 churches across the UK called the
Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches. If you would like a more detailed explanation of what we believe at Binscombe Church, have a look at the FIEC’s
Basis of Faith.