Junior Church
On Sundays, all ages meet together for the first 15 minutes or so of our main 11.00am service, and kids are then invited to head to Junior Church groups which run alongside. These are run by our lovely teams of DBS-checked teachers and helpers.
Sunday morning groups cater for children from the very youngest up to those in Year 9 at school. Kids of any age are also more than welcome to stay in the main service with their parents throughout.

Birth to 2 years old - Crèche
We have a range of toys, books and lovely helpers waiting to welcome our tiniest guests each week. Some parents choose to stay
whilst kids settle, but you are most welcome to head back in to enjoy the main service as soon as you are happy to. Sarah Hunt heads
up our Sunday crèche team.

3 years old to school year 2 - Scramblers & Explorers
Our two youngest Junior Church groups currently enjoy meeting together. "Scramblorers" hasn't quite caught on as a name yet, but head to Scramblers & Explorers if you are a preschooler or infant school age. This Junior Church team is led by Katie Radcliffe.

Year 3 to 6 - Adventurers
Adventurers is for anyone junior-school aged - led by Dave Prangley. We start with singing, and then a bible lesson with activities such as craft and games. By the time our Adventurers hit secondary school age, they are ready to graduate to Discovery, and will spend every third Sunday in the main service.
Year 7 to 9 - Discovery
This group is a great place to be getting used to joining with the main prayer time and teaching in the service with older youth and adults. Discovery meet together to discuss the same passage as is preached on that week, in a way tailored to this age group. Every third Sunday, Discovery stay in the main service with their parents. Andy Poulsom is the contact for this group.

Sundays at 10am - Kids' Club
Our last group is a place where kids of all ages can enjoy supervised free-time playing and chatting together whilst the 10am prayer meeting, communion service or Learning for Life session takes place in the main hall.